RA Fitness Blog, RADanceFitness, Running

Training Talk: Speed Pyramid Sessions

If you’re training to get faster or hit a new PB at a race, it’s likely that you’re going to be doing a few speed sessions in your training. There’s lots of variation when it comes to speed sessions, you might do fixed time intervals, distance based sprints, you may even do a few strides… Continue reading Training Talk: Speed Pyramid Sessions

RA Fitness Blog, RADanceFitness, Running, Weekly Report

Weekly Training 2020 – #31

What a week it’s been here in the UK with extreme weather patterns and changes to our current lockdown. We started the week very wet and windy, then come Thursday and Friday we had sunny clear skies. The weather did affected my week of training, as it definitely affected my motivation to get out there.… Continue reading Weekly Training 2020 – #31

RA Fitness Blog, RADanceFitness, Running, Training Help

Where to Run in Bristol

Running in a city can be quite overwhelming, especially if you’re just visiting or have recently moved in. I’ve now been running around Bristol for about two years now, and am still discovering great places to run in the city. Here is a little whistle-stop tour of all those places, they’ll be in no particular… Continue reading Where to Run in Bristol

Improvement Series, RA Dance Blog, Training Help

Trick Tip: Jazz Turns

I’ve recently begun on the adventure that is TikTok, which meant yet another channel that I needed to try and get inspiration for. I’ve been trying to get out 4-5 videos a week to keep hope of dancing continuing alive. So far it’s been going ok. I’m not viral yet, though! As I’ve been learning… Continue reading Trick Tip: Jazz Turns

RA Fitness Blog, Training Help

23 Things I’ve Learnt About Running

This week I turned 23 and started thinking that this past year has been the one where I would start I would start classing myself as a runner. Somewhere between leaving school, graduating university and becoming a freelance dance teacher, I've found time to add running to my list of hobbies. I'm still in the… Continue reading 23 Things I’ve Learnt About Running

RA Dance Blog, Welcoming Well-Being

Welcoming Well-Being: How Dance can help the brain.

Dance can help change the brain. This statement seems sweeping and unfounded, and yet it is true. Much like how our life experiences change the brain, dance can also. I've previously written about how dance can help those with Parkinson's, a neurological condition that can also affect the mental health of a patient (Read More… Continue reading Welcoming Well-Being: How Dance can help the brain.

Improvement Series, RA Dance Blog, Training Help

One Move at a Time: Beats (or more formally entrechat)

Jumping has long been one of my favourite parts of dance class. Not because I'm good at it, I have a habit of not using my plié as much as I should that I'm trying not to pass on to my student. But just because I enjoy it. Jumping forms the basis of many moves,… Continue reading One Move at a Time: Beats (or more formally entrechat)

Development Series, RA Dance Blog, Teaching Tips

Teaching Tips: Dance Based Games

Dance can be tailored for many different ages groups and abilities, by using more accessible music and easier to learn steps. But sometimes groups can get bored of the week in week out monotony of learning steps and routine, or in some cases never really seem that interested in choreography. This is especially true of… Continue reading Teaching Tips: Dance Based Games

RA Fitness Blog, Training Help

Development Series: Recognising Contributing Factors of Injury.

In May last year I wrote an article outlining common dance injuries and ways to treat them. This post can be viewed using this link; https://radancefitness.com/2017/05/17/injuries-in-dance/. Similarly to that post, this weeks post will also focus around injury. Informing you of external factors that can contribute to injury, in order for you to have further education… Continue reading Development Series: Recognising Contributing Factors of Injury.